The Grand Olde Breed
Regional Affiliate of the American Highland Cattle Association (AHCA)
Are you a youth or young adult under 22 years of age with a passion (or interest!) for Scottish Highland Cattle?!
Join NEHCA Juniors organization and meet other like-minded youth who share your passion for the Highland breed!
Whether you are a beginner who simply wants to learn more about Highlands or been involved in the cattle industry for a few years, NEHCA Juniors welcomes you to join our youth association!
Come get involved & join the fun!
Upcoming 2025 NEHCA Junior Events!
NEHCA Spring Show/ Big East Youth Show:
Eastern States Complex- Springfield, Massachusetts
May 1st-3rd
Show registrations due Monday, April 14th!
Massachusetts 4H Beef Camp: May TBA, 2025
Cattle stalled at the Three County Fairgrounds (North Hampton, MA)
Overnight at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst campus(Amherst, MA)
Boonville County Fair: July 25-27th, 2025
Boonville- Oneida County Fairgrounds- Boonville, New York
New York State Fair: NY State Fairgrounds- August TBA, 2025
Syracuse, New York
2025 AHCA Junior Opportunities!
Hey Highschool & College Aged NEHCA Juniors!
Apply for multiple great cattlemen & cattlewomen educational opportunities for Highland Juniors!
The American Highland Cattle Association Junior (AHCAj) Committee is offering multiple sponsored educational opportunities, apply now!
Not an AHCA Junior? No worries, AHCAj memberships are free.
Find official application information on the AHCA website.

NEHCA Youth Director:
Laura McDowell-May
(508) 776-7150
For Additional Youth Questions!
NEHCA Youth Representative:
Alexis Washburn
(607) 731-8787
For Additional Youth Questions!
NEHCA Junior age limt?NEHCA Juniors welcome youth aged 21 or younger as of January 1st of the current year! (Same as your 4H age): - I am currently 7, am I too young to participate in NEHCA juniors? Nope! - I am currently 18 and a legal adult, are I too old to be considered a NEHCA Junior? No, you are still a NEHCA Junior! You still have plenty of years to participate in NEHCA Junior events! - I am registering for the Spring NEHCA Show in May and I am 22 years old. I was 21 on January 1st, but I turned 22 on April 13th, am I still considered a NEHCA Junior? Yes! You are still considred a NEHCA Junior, you can finish the current calendar year as a Junior!
What types of cattle can I show in the NEHCA Junior Show?NEHCA Juniors can show AHCA registered breeding stock entered in the NEHCA Open Show. All hiefers, cows, steers, and bull calves are welcome in Junior showmanship. Bulls exceeding 12 months of age are not allowed in the NEHCA Junior Show.
I am not from New England, can I still show in NEHCA Junior Shows?"Absoultely! Join the NEHCA membership and we look forward to showing with you!
Can beginners show at NEHCA Junior Shows?Yes!! Whether you have years of experience or it's your first time cattle show, we welcome you to exhibit in the NEHCA Junior Show! Older Juniors and young adults are a wonderful resource to answer Highland questions and help you learn new cattlemen skills.
Become Apart of NEHCA Tradition
NEHCA Junior Spring Show Grand Champion & Reserve Champion Breeding Heifer are presented with a traveling trophy.
Winners must return the trophy at the next spring show (engraved) keeping the tradition alive. You only get to keep the trophy for one year (unless you win it again!). Your name remains written as apart of NEHCA Junior history!
Congratulations to the past NEHCA Travelling Trophy Winners!!
Junior Show
Travelling Trophy Donated by:
Horacio Roberta & Catie Rolica
2019 SWM Bristol Aria: Jacquelyn May
2018 SFF Leap of Faith: Alexis Washburn
2017 STR Alexis: Miriam May
2016 Seawind's Time is Now: Annalee May
2015 Twinflower Aileen: Peyton Spring
2014 Flatheads Sileas: Miriam May
2013 Trafalgar Abilene: Jessica Richardson
2012 Seawind April's Nick of Time: Annalee May
2011 Seawind April's Nick of Time: Annalee May
2010 Double LL Royalle: Steven Smith
2009 Ainsworth Arabella: Torre Peters
2008 Spring Flight Contessa: Jacquelyn May
2007 Spring Flight Bosha: Miriam May
2006 Race Hill Tessa: Chris Josefson
2005 Ledyard's Bowmore: Samuel Fessenden
2004 Trafalgar Madeline: Matthew Markwell
2003 Ledyard's Frances Mae: Samuel Fessenden
Junior Show
Travelling Trophy Winners
2019 SWM Clodia: Jacquelyn May
2018 Flatheads Sileas: Annalee May
2017 SWM Camilla: Miriam May
2016 SWM Camilla: Miriam May
2015 Seawind's Bristol Annie: Jacquelyn May
2014 Trafalgar Abilene: Jessica Richardson
2013 STR The Lucky One: David Marthers
2012 Trafalgar Xena: Jessica Richardson
2011 Summit Ranch Whitney: Jessica Richardson
2010 Almosta Farm's Samantha: Miriam May
2009 DH Rosehill Colina: Steven Smith
2008 Shat Acres Cinnamon Star: Alyssa MacCheyne
2007 Gilchrist's Shady Lady: Jeffrey Miller
2006 Blossom at Gilchrist: Jeffrey Miller
2005 Ledyard's Edradour: Samuel Fessenden
2004 MBL Fatima: Rolin Fairbrother
2003 Black Watch Kaley: Christopher Markwell
2002 Lily of Blossom Ridge: Catie Rolica
2001 Matthew Markwell
2000 Kaitlin Connolly
1999 Beth Colvin
1998 Christopher Markwell
1997 Renee Bannon