The Grand Olde Breed
Regional Affiliate of the American Highland Cattle Association (AHCA)
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Classified Advertisement Submissions
Your NEHCA Membership allows you two FREE ads on the Classified page per year!
- NEHCA Member Cost (after your first & second FREE classified ads): $20 /90-day ad
- Non-NEHCA member Costs: $35/90-day ad on Classified page​
AHCA registrations are required for breeding stock lots & must be entered on your advertisement submission form.
Registrations are not required for beef market animals
200-word limit/ advertisment
Please Note:
Advertisements are added at the start of the month and last 90 days.
Advertisements are for individual animals with exceptions to cow-calf pairs.
Out of courtesy to interested buyers, if your lot sells before the duration of the 90-day timeframe, please email the Website Designer to remove the sold lot so the NEHCA Classified page remains updated with only available animals.
NEHCA Classified page is solely an advertisement means of promoting available lots. NEHCA is not responsible for facilitating sales activities between the seller & buyer.
Cattle Lot Sale Photo Guidelines:
Please use the following photography suggestions while taking cattle sale lot photos:
Only the sale animal is present in the photo (Exception for cow/calf lot submissions).
Side profile of sale animal
The sale animal is brushed & cleaned.
Neutral, clean, & plain background/scenery: easy for web viewers to see your sale animal.
The handler does not block the view of the animal.